Documents & resources related to financial management, bookkeeping, fringe, MDF and U.C.I.S.About Finance
The Finance team helps with management of the financial resources of the Synod, ensuring an effective contribution to the mission of the Uniting Church in Queensland.
This library of resources supports congregations and presbyteries with financial oversight, management and investment. Whether you are a Treasurer, ministry worker or bookkeeper, you will find useful resources in the Finance library.
Sections in this resource library include:
- Accounts Receivable
- Annual Return
- Bookkeeping
- Fringe
- Mission Development Fund (MDF)
- Resource Library
The Finance team at the Office of the Synod are ready to assist with any enquiries or if you can’t find the document or resource you require. Contact us at
Documents and resources related to the Accounts Receivable process.
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Each year congregations and faith communities are required to provide an annual financial and statistical report known as the “Annual Return”. Documents here relate to that reporting process.
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To support Congregations and Presbyteries with their financial transactions, reporting and compliance, QLD Synod Office provides assistance through the Bookkeeping Service team. Options include a Xero Subscription only (for congregations requiring minimal support), or a full Bookkeeping service (for congregations without a treasurer, or requiring increased levels of support).
Check out our full video playlist for an introduction to the XERO bookkeeping service and its features and benefits.
For further information or support, contact the Bookkeeping Service team at
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Documents and resources related to fringe benefits program for ministry agents and staff.
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Documents and resources related to Mission Development Fund (MDF).
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UCIS is the central treasury fund of the Queensland Synod. By maintaining surplus funds in a UCIS investment, Uniting Church congregations, services and activities enable the larger pool of funds to be invested and managed to maximise return for the whole church. Available investment types include Cash Investment (accessible, no minimum) or Fixed Term Investments (choice of terms, minimum investment amount). UCIS can also provide loans to congregations and Uniting Church activities.
Contact U.C.I.S at
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Finance • 2024
Getting started with our Book Keeping project and XERO....