Key tasks for monthly and quarterly workflow planning.Key Dates and Information
Audit Financial Statements
Assess financial position in relation to ability to repay U.C.I.S loan. Audited financial statements.
2024 Annual Return Form
ChecklistUniting Church entities that have U.C.I.S loans
Annually January -
Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Collect information to enable completion of the annual information statements for Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission compliance. Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Medium and large charities (some have 31/12 and others have 30/6 year ends)
Twice a year Jun & Dec -
Bluecards compliance
Report compliance with the number of current cards and expiry
Presbyteries and congregations
Safe Church
Annually Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Business Activity Statement (BAS)
Quarterly congregation reporting - BAS
Presbyteries and congregations
Quarterly Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Compliance attestations
To provide assurance to the Audit and Risk Committee, as a sub-committee of Synod Standing Committee
All entities of UCAQ
Synod Standing Committee
Annually January
Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Collect information to enable completion of the annual information statements for Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission compliance. Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Medium and large charities (some have 31/12 and others have 30/6 year ends)
Twice a year Jun & Dec -
Bluecards compliance
Report compliance with the number of current cards and expiry
Presbyteries and congregations
Safe Church
Annually Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Business Activity Statement (BAS)
Quarterly congregation reporting - BAS
Presbyteries and congregations
Quarterly Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Collect information on behalf of the presbyteries so presbyteries can determine congregation contributions. Also used by other teams within the Synod office such as Governance and Risk. Annual Return (annual consolidated financial information for all activities of a congregation)
Annually June
To provide the necessary declarations (as per Insurance Contracts Act) as part of UCAQ seeking insurance cover. Annual insurance declarations.
All entities of UCAQ
Annually September -
Annual Insurance Declarations
To provide the necessary declarations (as per Insurance Contracts Act) as part of UCAQ seeking insurance cover
All entities of UCAQ
Annually August -
Rolls for Synod in Session
To populate the roll of Synod in Session in accordance with Synod By-Law Q1 .1.2
Presbyteries, UCQ, boards and commissions
Office and Events
Every 18 months July -
Entity Reports to Synod in Session
Reporting to Synod in Session about the entity's focus since the last Synod. Who they are and what they are called to do?
Presbytery, UCQ, WMQ, boards and commission
Office and Events
Every 18 months July -
Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Collect information to enable completion of the annual information statements for Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission compliance. Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Medium and large charities (some have 31/12 and others have 30/6 year ends)
Twice a year Jun & Dec -
Bluecards compliance
Report compliance with the number of current cards and expiry
Presbyteries and congregations
Safe Church
Annually Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Business Activity Statement (BAS)
Quarterly congregation reporting - BAS
Presbyteries and congregations
Quarterly Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Annual Return
Collect information on behalf of the presbyteries so presbyteries can determine congregation contributions. Also used by other teams within the Synod office such as Governance and Risk. Annual Return (annual consolidated financial information for all activities of a congregation)
Annually September
Fringe benefits nomination
Ministry agents can nominate between 0 per cent and 50 per cent (from 1/1/19) or their stipend payment to be paid into their fringe benefits account. They can change the nomination prior to each calendar year.
Ministry Agents Directly
People and Culture
Annually December -
Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Collect information to enable completion of the annual information statements for Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission compliance. Data for ACNC Annual Information Statements
Medium and large charities (some have 31/12 and others have 30/6 year ends)
Twice a year Jun & Dec -
Presbytery Meeting Dates - Annual List
Information required to populate the Annual Qld Synod Calendar
Boards and Committees
Annually November -
Bluecards compliance
Report compliance with the number of current cards and expiry
Presbyteries and congregations
Safe Church
Annually Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec -
Business Activity Statement (BAS)
Quarterly congregation reporting - BAS
Presbyteries and congregations
Quarterly Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec
Monthly Tasks
HR Audit
Review personnel compliance, Probation
Presbyteries and congregations
Monthly -
CPMP contributions amount
The amount of contributions from congregations provided by the Presbyteries in order to meet the budget requirements
Monthly -
Report Superannuation
Attestation to payment
Presbyteries and congregations